How To: Use beat markers in Apple's iMovie 11

Use beat markers in Apple's iMovie 11

If you're interested in editing music videos one of the things you'll want to know is how to edit on the beat. So, where ARE the beats? This helpful video shows you how to use iMovie 11's beat marker tool to find and mark the beats, so you can cut to your hearts delight.

Beat Markers allow you to set points in an audio track and then drop in video with cuts that match the beats. After timing out the beats in a soundtrack, all you need to do is drag and drop video or photos into iMovie and the video will be cut to match the markers. You can even add transitions that fit along with the beats.

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1 Comment

I am editing a video in iMovie 11 consisting of stills that is nearly 3 and a half minutes long but only at a certain point later in the video do I want to use the beat markers to synchronize the audio with the changing of the stills. I cannot seem to do this. The beat markers seem to only work if you use them throughout the entire audio track (or from the very beginning like all the tutorial vides show). In my case I only want to use them for a portion of track that comes much later in the movie. Is there no way that I can cut and past the stills to the exact point I want with the beat markers? Even in precision editor, all I can do is slide the stills around without actually "cutting" them precisely where I want them to be.....I need help!!!!

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